Sometimes I love Facebook Memories. Sometimes I don't.
The prevailing theme for this time of year? I was either traveling to somewhere, or traveling from somewhere, or working on an antique. But always, I was involved with a writing project.
So? What memories came along?
6 years ago.
I was sick. 2 of my kids were sick.
Word count wrestling was going on.
Cut and paste issues were plaguing me.
JT and HG figured strongly that day...
I had an agent who believed in me, and had just signed with her less than 2 weeks previously. I was sooooo clueless and thought I'd have a book deal by year's end.
5 years ago.
Our sugar maple was showing off her Fall colours, and I discovered that there was a Famous Dave's in a town in California which Thelma would be driving me en route to Monterey for an agency retreat a few weeks hence.
I struggled with a chapter, and won, capping the day with 6500 words. And I'd found an old hat that distracted me. Yes, you could shine a light on the ceiling and I'd be entertained.
I had an agent who believed in me.
4 years ago.
Post ACFW...a conference of Christian writers...a compliment showed up on my Facebook wall, "Wanted you to know how beautiful you looked at the gala. Loved the whole outfit." That was from GT. I was so touched! Of course, *some* people called that ensemble "The Frozen Outfit." Whatever, I loved it and felt rather glam!
I had an agent who believed in me.
3 years ago.
I was on bedrest that evening, trying to recover from a serious concussion took me out that August. I stayed off any kind of screen for most of the day, but let myself watch/listen to movies on Netflix. To be honest, even that was too much. But because Moms do what they have to do, I did make it to my son's hockey game in a town south of here. It was cold and rainy, but I know I'd be in California in just 3 weeks.
I had an agent who believed in me.
2 years ago.
En route that day from Phoenix to California, once again, I beeped in security. When we're traveling, Thelma and I lose our minds in security because we rarely if ever both make it through unscathed. When we got back to her neck of the woods, we headed straight for a gala fundraiser and posh do at Waterdog Tavern in San Carlos. Mmmm.
I had an agent.
1 year ago.
I was home, and working on an antique piece!
I also had a very happy memory of reading my crit partner Amber Perry's latest WIP (work in progress). Amber is a MASTER of mounting tension and nail-biting stress. AND? She is her own cover model!! She writes fabulous Revolutionary War fiction.
Here's a link to her Amazon page
I was querying agents.

The cliffs of El Morro.
(Author's photo.)
Well, what have I learned?
Yes, I've wanted to quit. Yes, it sure seems like the road to my success goes straight up a rock wall.
Be mindful.
Sadly, I made "having an agent" part of my identity and have since learned that agents are part of the process. They are not what makes the person.
Trust is earned.
Do not be foolish and give it away. No matter who they are, no matter what they say they've done. If ANYONE who works for you is not 100% forthcoming? Leave.
Writing is a business.
It doesn't care about your personal best. It wants to win. Therefore, act like you're going to win. Not like you're planning to win.
Act like you. will. win.
Yes, if you aim to survive, you probably will. But surviving, and making an impact, are not the same.
Watch it.
There are friends. There are friendlies. There are fakes. There are liars. There are thieves.
There are wolves in sheep's clothing.
But my dears, there are also sheep in wolves' clothing.
You need to see that, admit that, find your team, and then keep doing your job.
Shut up.
I've also wanted to say exactly what I think and splatter those thoughts all over social media. Is that cathartic? Sure!
Is that wise? Nooooo. No. No. NO.
The internet has total recall.
Total and complete recall.
One last thing?
Whether a person has faith, or they do not...if it's meant to be, it will be.
Amigos? Que sera, sera.